“Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.” — W. H. Auden




Thanks to your generous donations, we have raised the necessary funds to install the new high voltage power lines for the water pump in the town.

As you may remember from my previous emails, the original plan was to install a solar system that would cost $150,000. However, with the help of local experts, we developed a new idea to run high voltage power lines, which would only cost $35,000, significantly reducing the fundraising goal.

I am thrilled to announce that we have reached our fundraising goal, and we were able to raise 100% of the required funds. The work on the project will start soon, and we are excited to see the impact it will make in the lives of the people in Aabra.

Currently, the water pump is not running at full capacity, but with the new power lines, it will soon be able to provide clean and reliable water to the entire town. Your contributions have helped to secure the health and future of the families in Aabra, and for that, we are forever grateful.

Once again, thank you for your unwavering support towards this important cause. We could not have done it without you.

Money Raised

Since the massive and tragic explosion that devastated Beirut in 2020, the Lebanese economy has spiraled out of control. Today the money is worth a mere 4% of what it was two years ago, but everything still costs the same or even more. Now, food, housing, medical, and fuel prices have become astronomical. Electricity is rarely running. And as a result, water can't even be pumped into homes! According to the UN, four out of five people in Lebanon currently live in poverty

This small, historic village of Aabra is named as a place that Jesus passed through. But today, the nearly 1,800 residents who once thrived are suffering without regular access to clean water! 


There's a simple solution to this crisis. You! Well, you and the new electric lines.

The village of Aabra has a clean water system. However, much of the time, there's no electricity to get the water to the residents. They have gone days at a time with no access to water. Villagers are forced to purchase water when they are already financially drained. As they struggle just to feed their families and keep a roof over their heads in the devastated economy, the water situation is now driving them to desperation.

A reliable water system would make a massive difference for the families and children of Aabra. They could once again shower, do laundry, clean their homes, and drink cool refreshing water as much as they need. What a huge blessing this would be to children playing outdoors in the summer, students who need refreshment, parents after a long day of work, or the elderly on a hot day.  


Would you please reach deep into your heart and help these hurting people? The entire system will cost $35,000. But when you break that over 1,800 residents, that's a mere $20 per person. And you have the power to give water to one, two, or even ten people in Aabra. 


  • How can I donate?
    You can donate through GoFundMe, or send a check to:
    Acts 2 Church, 5045 Indian River Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23464 USA
    Put: Aabra Water Project in the note section
  •  Is my donation tax deductible?
    All donations made in the US are tax deductible